Wednesday, February 08, 2006

5 Apartments and 3 jobs

I don't want to sound like a mad on-line stalker or anything like that but....

Me and my hubby have just come back from a lovely dinner and we ended up on the internet. I just read him Mindi's post ( called Threshold and he was moved to tears as well as she writes so beautifully that anyone would have the same reaction. Please read her blog every day as she is the one that inspired me to start writing mine.
After I read her blog, I just had to try and I know that even though I will never write as good as her, I can only try.

Her posts can be about anything or everything, but she still would keep you coming back for more.

She is a great writer and a great girl!
Thank you Mindi for inspiring me.


Pam said...

Mindi inspires me too!

Kiki said...

Awww, that's really nice of you! I love Mindi's blog too.

Mindi said...

I am so completely touched by what you wrote. I feel so unworthy of such amazing kindness. You have completely given me the most special gift.

Thank you. I am humbled by your post in immeasurable ways.

Erica said...

I am glad you like what I wrote Mindi, it's all true.
Don't ever stop writing. There are lots of people out there that I am sure think and feel exactly the same.

And thanks to you, Pam and Kiki, for reading my sporadic entries! I'll try to be more regular.

Pam said...

Looking forward to your next post...hope you are okay!