Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I was on the bus this morning, when suddenly it comes to my attention that somebody is not answering their phone. I can hear this ringing going on and on and on for minutes and minutes. Everybody starts looking around quite annoyed. I knew it wasn't mine, because I know my ring and that wasn't my ring (anyway, nobody would call me at 7.30am, I am far too asleep to make any sense of any conversation). As time goes by, people just get used to it, but I still find it so annoying and really look around at who could be the culprit.
Anyway, I then realize it might be an alarm clock incorporated in the phone and find it very funny that somebody doesn't realize their alarm is ringing.

Suddenly it stops with a strange blip sound, that shows that the battery on the mobile has run out..... at that instant I realize it was my phone! I felt so embarrassed, I think nobody noticed that it was me, but a guy looked at me with an annoyed face, so I think he knew.


EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...


Is like trying to use the horse whip on somebody and it missed and flung back to whip your face.


Miladysa said...

Been there :)