Friday, November 18, 2005


I just learned that my mum’s dog had to be put down yesterday. Her name was Tessa. My mum found her in the streets and took her home when the vet told her that the dog kept escaping from the current owner, as he was abusive and violent. She was told as well that Tessa had an incurable tumor in her leg.

I believe she was happy for the two years she was with my parents, as she never tried to escape once. The previous owner never looked for her thankfully. He didn’t deserve such a sweet and caring dog. She could hardly walk, let alone run, poor Tessa, but she could always make everybody laugh, especially the way she was always scared of our cat!!! She would not enter the house if the cat was around and always used to hide in the garden.

I hope she feels no more pain now.

1 comment:

Mindi said...

I'm really sorry about Tessa. I hope you are okay.