Thursday, February 15, 2007

When & Where do you do it?

I do it at work, as soon as I arrive in the office after checking the gossips on Perez Hilton and in between quite periods when my boss has left for meetings!! So, I am always on the look out and worrying about people discovering my daytime activity: BLOGGING!

Yes, sometimes I will also blog at home on a Friday evening at midnight with a glass of wine and my hubby out with his mates or sleeping on the sofa. That is the most fun, as I feel always very inspired with a glass of wine, but sometimes the next day, looking at my drunken post, I realise that maybe drinking and writing, not such a good idea. Not so dangerous as drinking and driving, but likely to be just as shameful.

Now it's Thursday 3pm and my boss is out for a meeting, he is due back at any time. Can I finish this post before he does come back? Hopefully, if not I won't get a chance to finish it until later on today or even Sunday. That's why my frequency of posts is completely random, sometimes 3 in a week, sometimes 1 in every 10 days. It just depends from how much time I have available.

Once I get home, there is no time, one has to do so many other things! What am I going to do when I have kids? When am I going to find the time?? How does my sister do it? She works part time, she has a 1 year old baby, she cooks wonderful dinners, she bakes and she cleans and she manages even to watch Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives. I barely manage to keep the house clean and keep up with my blogging...

So, when and where do you do it?

On a different note, tomorrow I am going to see a specialist in France, about this, so I hope to be posting good news on Sunday when I am back!


Rachel said...

I blog everywhere and anywhere. It doesn't take me that long so posting 5 days a week isn't a struggle.
Do you work full time or part time? that can make a world of difference with how much time you have at home to do things. An extra 4 hours a day is a LOT.
Good luck on the visit to the specialist. Hope all goes well.

Erica said...

I work full time unfortunately, and 4 more hours to do my things would be bliss!
I admire how good you can write every day and all the ideas you come up with!
I hope to work part time when I have kids, but only if we can afford it.
Here you get 6 months paid maternity leave, after you that you either quit or go back full time. Part time only if they would agree to it, which is sometimes worse because you end up doing the same amount of work but in less hours.
Thanks for the wishes, hopefully it will all be fine.

Tinsie said...

I only ever post from home. I'm usually too busy at work to do much on the internet, and I'd rather not risk the IT department finding out what I'm up to in my spare time.
I find I have lots of spare time when I'm at home anyway. We do all the housework in the weekend, I hardly ever cook proper meals during the week and I don't watch TV, just the occasional DVD, so I suppose that's why there's plently of time for internet surfing and blogging :-)
Hope it went well in France.
Tins xx

Cheryl said...

That was exactly how I was when I worked. Now it's whenever I have time. And I am back to blogging by the way. Because it's hard to stay away for too long! I love those little moments where we can sneak it in.

Marissa said...

oooh good post! i always wonder when we bloggers find the time to blog (seeing as how recently my blogging time has been severely lacking!!). i sometimes blog at work, but mostly i blog in the mornings when i first wake up, or late at night when i can't sleep (this is when i'm MOST inspired). then there are those times when an idea will hit me over the head like a ton of bricks and if i don't write about it that second i feel as though i'll explode!