Thursday, May 17, 2007

Time Out

I am back from my very long break. I am sorry about my silence but I have been very busy looking for a new home for us. We had our notice to leave our home by the end of June and I was frantically searching for a new place in time. We have now found a lovely home in Greenwich and we cannot wait to move and start our new life.

Also I must admit I have been thinking about closing my blog, or maybe just taking a break from it. I just don't feel inspired at the moment and I feel that it would deserve much more time that I actually have available. At one point it felt like a chore, like something I have to do rather than something I enjoy. I won't stop though, I will just take a time out for a while and see how I feel.

But please keep checking once in a while, as I might find my inspiration back again!

Thank you for your wonderful support and encouragement in everything I have done and been through, I will always keep reading your blogs my dear lovely bloggers friends!


Cheryl said...

I think you will find inspiration again. I did. I am looking forward to your return. Enjoy your new home.

Rachel said...

Don't close your blog. I faithfully visit every time you post something.
Plus, we have to meet when I come to England in 2009.
Are you renting or purchasing your new home? I remember you talking aobut moving to France.

Erica said...

Thanks Cheryl, I remember when you took some time out and I loved your new blog. I hope I will find inspiration again like you did.

Hey Rachel, thank you so much for your support. We would still move to France, but not for another few years. We are going to be renting for now, as we can't afford to buy yet. I would love to meet you in 2009, I can show you and D. all the beautiful sights!

Tinsie said...

I hope you don't close your blog. But you know that already ;-)

Marissa said...

I absolutely know the feeling. I've had a loss of inspiration lately too. Thankfully, I think I'm finding my voice again. I will always check back. I love reading what you have to say!

Mag said...

Popped over from Pooch Patrol, don't close your blog please. I think you write pretty well, congrats on getting your short story published :) It's really nice to read your descriptions of London and what living there is like. Hope you get inspired to write again.

Betty Carlson said...

There are always times where inspiration is lacking, but I think it would be a pity if you closed your blog. But a little time out might be helpful...

Pam said...

Thinking of you, Erica. Hope all is well and hope to see you posting again soon!
